
My sister

I started to write a post about a political discussion my sister and I had this past weekend. then I realized I where I am sitting and thought maybe I should stay away from filling the blogosphere with my political views while I am occupying the space I am occupying. So maybe I will write about it later maybe not. Either way, pray for me that my computer is not being monitored right now.


Ella said...

Ahhh . . . learning from my work mishaps!!

Fishfrog said...

Sounds like there's a story behind that comment. Fess up Ella. Share with the group.

Ella said...

Umm. Turns out that, if an employer tells you that the IT department monitors internet usage, it it true. I was reprimanded for searching wedding sites on "company time" . . . oopsy. Who would have thought that the MO PD had the resources for web monitoring?!

Fishfrog said...

Actually, after my summer at the PD's office, they restricted access to the web site that we got our Sudokus from. True story.